TAM is the first and only company in the world that produces a complete package of a custom designed Rocket Belt using the most advanced technology and aerospace materials with the special distillation machine to produce your own rocket grade fuel hydrogen peroxide.
TAM have built and flight more Rocket Belts than any other company or individual in the world, even more than the original Bell company.
This is the kind of flying machine that millions of people saw in the James Bond 007 movies flown by Bill Suitor and at the opening ceremony of the Los Angeles Olympic Games in 1984 also flown by Bill Suitor.

TAM have built and flight more Rocket Belts than any other company or individual in the world, even more than the original Bell company.
This is the kind of flying machine that millions of people saw in the James Bond 007 movies flown by Bill Suitor and at the opening ceremony of the Los Angeles Olympic Games in 1984 also flown by Bill Suitor.
The Rocket Belt is the most spectacular flying machine ever developed, period! It is a small personal propulsion device strapped to the back of an individual, enabling a man or woman to rapidly and safely fly or leap over short distances like small rivers or ravines , landing upright.
During the early 1960's the U.S. military seriously studied these devices as potential aids for combat soldiers to use in tight tactical situations and to cross mined fields.
The idea of a workable rocket belt is credited to Wendell Moore, an engineer working at Bell Aerosystems and the design of the rocket power unit is credited to James C. McCormick of Buffalo NY.
The idea of a workable rocket belt is credited to Wendell Moore, an engineer working at Bell Aerosystems and the design of the rocket power unit is credited to James C. McCormick of Buffalo NY.
The Army negotiated with Bell for the fabrication of the SRLD (small rocket lifting device) and a contract was awarded to the Army's Transportation, Research and Engineering Command (TRECOM) for military feasibility studies and trials. Moore was named, Bell's Technical
Director for the project. Under the contract, a 280-lb thrust rocket motor was made and tested. 90% Hydrogen Peroxide was chosen as the safest fuel for personnel use as no combustion took place. There was only expulsion of highly pressurized oxygen and water vapor, while the operator wore a form-fitting fiberglass corset for safety.
In the James Bond movie it was used one of the original Bell Rocket Belts flown by Bill Suitor and in the opening ceremony of the Los Angeles Olympic Games in 1984 the Rocket Belt that was flown was the Tyler Rocket Belt also flown by Bill Suitor, the Tyler Rocket Belt was a copy of the original Bell built by the inventor Nelson Tyler from California, after the Olympic Games Tyler sold his Rocket Belt to a company in Europe that later sold it again to Tyler's pilot Kinnie Gibson and for many years the Tyler Rocket Belt was the only Rocket Belt flying in the world until 2005 that TAM ended with this monopoly.http://www.tecaeromex.com/ingles/RB-i.htm
In the James Bond movie it was used one of the original Bell Rocket Belts flown by Bill Suitor and in the opening ceremony of the Los Angeles Olympic Games in 1984 the Rocket Belt that was flown was the Tyler Rocket Belt also flown by Bill Suitor, the Tyler Rocket Belt was a copy of the original Bell built by the inventor Nelson Tyler from California, after the Olympic Games Tyler sold his Rocket Belt to a company in Europe that later sold it again to Tyler's pilot Kinnie Gibson and for many years the Tyler Rocket Belt was the only Rocket Belt flying in the world until 2005 that TAM ended with this monopoly.http://www.tecaeromex.com/ingles/RB-i.htm
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